in opening of our AWS ATF if anyone failed a NYSDOT here or has a card with only 1 position form any other location, we will do an AWS ATF 3G 4G for half the price and bend  it here within 24hrs for a NYCDOB !!!
in opening of our AWS ATF if anyone failed a NYSDOT here or has a card with only 1 position form any other location, we will do an AWS ATF 3G 4G for half the price and bend  it here within 24hrs for a NYCDOB !!!
SHORT NOTICE. DOT TEST Sunday. Sept 29th. Booths almost gone.
SHORT NOTICE. DOT TEST Sunday. Sept 29th. Booths almost gone. 


We are excited to bring you the lateset info on The Welding Expert. We are fully operational as an AWS ATF, # 231002.


We've created a 3 tier pricing system for 3G 4G Unlimited Qualification for AWS for NYCDOB. Making even more affordable for every skill level to take the test. Whether you are seasoned and can just come in a test out or you may need a few practice runs. Our Tiered pricing system has something for eveyrone.  There is no risk of losing your money once you have paid for the test.  Come in and get it done. High paying jobs are out htere for the correctly certified welders.


Need API 1104 or ASME 6G on your AWS card, we have it here for you.


We are offering anyone who has taken a NYSDOT weld test here and has not passed, a 10% discount to do the AWS ATF 3G 4G, which will be done with bend tests, within 24hrs test results, and can be used for your NYCDOB. 


This is an extroidinary discount being offered to our customes, who have continued to train and test welders here over the last decade. 


In additon, any welder who has a NYSDOT card with  one position passed,  from a different location, we will also do a 3G 4G AWS ATF test for you, at a 50% discount.


Any wekders that have done their ASME 6g here, we will also offer an ASME 6G test for AWS ATF CW program at 10% discount.


This is just a way to say thank you for everyone that has continued to support us.


We here at TWE appreciate your patronage !!


This is a limited time offer, so please sign up quickly. Spots are filling fast.


Call or test for scheduling.









Contact Us


The Welding Expert

101 Rome Street

Farmingdale, NY 11735

 (347) 668-5396


       contact form.,

Business Hours

We have schedules that run 6 days a week and several facilitators to accomodate the vast array of schedules to meet client/student needs.


Our training hours are flexible to accomodate you, with daytime and evening hours to be arranged. 


We also schedule weekends. For testing.

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