We would like to help with some info on the internet which appears to be confusing to some of our clients. Weve been gettig alot of inquires about a few speficic items.
1. Does NYCDOB require a welder be AWS ATF certified for a NYCDOB welder license?
NYC does not require a welder be tested to AWS ATF exclusively, in order to receive a NYCDOB welder license. It is an OPTION. The other option is NYSDOT. It is on NYCDOB website for being a welder in NYC. See NYCDOB site for welder qualification
2. Are you not able to join a union without an AWS ATF certifiction?
Weve worked with many union members over the years and currently. We have not heard of this specific requirement. Unions hire through an application process. Not because you have an AWS ATF card . Many companies have welders without AWS ATF cards working all the time, utilizing NYSDOT cards with NYCDOB cards. Code qualiifcations are required to weld to codes. Many work in NYC, on jobs which do require a NYCDOB welder card, see #1 above for NYC DOB Welder. Some unions may have their own "ATF" which does test their members when they are in the union.
3. AWS "ATF" is an Accredited Testing Facilty with AWS. ATFs do not have to train welders at all, some do. Some on the internet would have you believe that because they are an ATF, that the training is somehow approved in that program, It is not. Training facilities can train the welders and assist in having ATF testing done in the same facility as the training by contracting with an ATF, that has the provisions to work in the field.
4. We have been and apporved training facility using the AWS S.E.N.S.E program. That program has training along with knowledge base testing and practical testing of plate and pipe utilizing several processes.
5. We are also approved by NYS Education Department for Specialized Vocational Training with a vendor number on file with NYS Education Department. We have several training programs for this test, including practice tests done.
6.We are an approved agency for qualifyiing pipe welders for NYCDOB for ASME IX and API 1104, with a letter of approval on site, for review. Utilizing the welder qualification forms in each code book.
6. TWE II is an approved test facility by NYSDOT, for structrual tessting.
As far as AWS "ATF" testing goes, welders in all of our courses, CAN have their coupons tested AWS "ATF". Currently by having the "ATF" representatives here after the completetion of our programs. Testing is fully administered by and completed by the AWS "ATF". This is done by several training facilites. TWE has contacted and set in motion with several "ATF"s, to perform such services here, on the same equipment used, in the same ventilated booths.
Twe has had several welders complete their ATF test in this building, receive theire AWS ATF cards, and those who wanted to, filed them with NYCDOB for NYC Welders Licenses. That is verifiable.
So dont think, or believe, that because a location/training facility isnt an "ATF", that they can't arrange "ATF" testing at their facility. Many "ATF"s have provisisons in theire manuals to allow for such on site/remote visits for testing welders not in theire facility. TRAINING AND TESTING ARE SEPERATE ENTITES. Testing thru a 3rd party helps eliminate the confilict of interest presented by being tested by the company you have paid for training. This is done in many areas throught the country. 3rd party tessting is quite normal.
Here at TWE II, we concentrate on top of the line welder training from short workshops, to brush ups for upcoming tests, to courses which can run several months with various processes. All training thru approved programs, along with knowledge based tests when required, for those programs.
Go thru our website, See what is available. And yes, You can be tested to any qualification you want to test to !!!!
AWS has many programs. All having their own benefits for the companies participating in them. We participate in several. We support other companies using other programs by ensuring welders here can secure testing from those facilities. Evryone benefits and all of the proper programs are administered.
Not all companies participate in every AWS program. That doesnt make any company or program less credible than another.
We hope that answers some of the questions and concerns that are being presented to us. You can email or stop in if you have more questions or clarifications on any issues you read or are told by others or us.
Covid has taken a toll on many, personally and professionally. We've lost friends, familiy, and busnesses that have been around for decades.
Lets try not to make it harder on each other.
Thank you.