Learn the secretes of passing the AWS D1.1 3G 4G. We have currently an idepth short program. 5 Welders max. All guarenteed to pass here. Seperate instructor and tester.
Since opening the AWS ATF again in 2023, it has been a hugh succes.We have noticed though that several of the welders are coming from either state colleges, back yard or friends training them and even adult ed programs. Although these programs are covering the basics,the ability to pass the AWSD1.1 Unliitedfor the NYC DOB Weldes Licenses, is lacking. Maybe a 40% passing rate on the first attempt.
It is for that reason TWE II have decidedto add a program. In addition to our fullength progarms which have no time frame and we work until we pass, we have incorporated a small mini session, specifically for these welders form these other loscations.
TWE will offer a 20 hr program wher the welder can bring htier own material, order it and have it sent here or TWE II can orer and supply the matrial.
Once in this specialized program, the cost of any test will be 33% discounted for each position. It doesnt matter if it is ASME 6G Pipe or AWS D1.1. SMAW is the process used.
Although a full course with unlimited time is the most bang for your buck, TWE II understands that you have already attended and paid another location. You just didnt get what you paid for. SO hpefully this additional progrtam will get you thru the few additional technique skills you need to get the license/certificate.